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Join our community

Parents’ Nook operates on a few different platforms that serve the needs of our internal community:

Subscribe to our Newsletter:

Our Bi-weekly newsletter is the best way to learn what we are up to and how you might get involved as a community member. Subscribe to our newsletter here: We also have introduced comments section on each page that would help subscribed members to participate in any discussion. As a opensource community we value your suggestions and participations.

Subscribe to our newsletters


Each Nook location has a separate channel and members participating in that particular Nooks might want to join them. These channels are intended for members of those Nook communities only. We are planning on hosting a weekly community call to get to know the community better as the need arises.Community proposals and conversations are invited through various channels in the Discord Server.

Join our Discord


For code and project management, research and notes.

Checkout Our GitHub

Facebook Group:

We also have a facebook group through which we started. Checkout our FacebookGroup

Checkout Our Facebook Group

Note: We have tried to keep all the channels intentional. Its a work in progress, at any point of time if you have any suggestions please don’t hesitate to let us know.